Finished Projects

Energy Efficiency at UFAC: Energy Efficiency at UFAC: Aiming at reducing energy consumption at the Rio Branco campus of the Federal University of Acre – UFAC, the “Energy Efficiency at UFAC” project was created, which resulted from the public call of Aneel Nº. 001/2016 Priority Project for Energy Efficiency and Strategic R&D: “Energy Efficiency and Mini-generation in Public Institutions of Higher Education”. This project started in 2017, with Ufac as its beneficiary and Energisa Acre as its financier. Within the scope of this project, three plants of photovoltaic generation systems were installed at Ufac, totaling 496 modules installed, capable of producing every month an amount of energy in the order of 22 MWh/month.

Ufac's internal lighting system was also completely modernized, more than 14 thousand old lamps were replaced by new LED type lamps, generating an expectation of consumption reduction of approximately 335 MWh/year.

Three solarimetric stations were also installed in different cities of Acre (Cruzeiro do Sul, Rio Branco and Brasiléia). These equipments are allowing the collection of subsidies to estimate the potential of photovoltaic energy generation in the State of Acre, being an important tool for the promotion and execution of projects with this technology in the North Region.

Methodologies and Tools for Intelligent Automated Distribution Network Planning Considering Distributed Energy Resources: ANEEL R&D project, with Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel, which aims to automate a series of these tasks, including the proposition of works over time, using Artificial Intelligence techniques – IA and Robotic Process Automation – RPA (automation system computational processes with robots), also incorporating the analysis in scenarios of high DG penetration, which are not considered today.

CVA Integrated Governance System with MCP Stochastic Events Simulator and Risk Analysis: Projeto de P&D ANEEL, firmado entre o eAmazônia e a Cia. Energética de Brasília – CEB, com o objetivo de desenvolver um sistema simulador para determinação da parcela da CVA.

Center for Excellence in Public Lighting in the Amazon – Neipa: Projeto desenvolvido em parceria com o Programa Nacional de Conservação de Energia Elétrica – Procel. Instituiu um Núcleo de Excelência em Iluminação Pública da Amazônia – Neipa, sendo referência na Região como fomentador para elaboração de novos projetos no ramo de IP.

Durante sua execução proveu instruções técnicas, validou equipamentos de IP e capacitou pessoas, através de cursos teóricos e do desenvolvimento prático de projeto piloto com melhorias no sistema de iluminação pública do Campus Sede da Universidade Federal do Acre, com funcionalidades smart, para reduzir o consumo de energia e melhorar o funcionamento do sistema e a percepção dos usuários do campus, através da tecnologia LED com telegestão.

No âmbito desse projeto, foi implantado um laboratório para realização de testes/ensaios de qualificação e recebimento de equipamentos de IP, além de pesquisas científicas sobre o tema.
